Flippin’ Amazing News
Oh my! has it been a flippin’ exciting week in the Ben & Jerry’s office! We discovered a previously unknown room in our factory! The room was totally empty except for a switch on the far wall. Intriguing right? We thought so too, and well, curiosity got the better of us, so we flipped it!

Suddenly the NEW flavour alert was sounding. Turns out the switch was a Flavour Flipper! What’s a Flavour Flipper you ask? We’ll it’s just what it sounds like. The mysterious switch flipped two of your favourite flavours; Our famous Cookie Dough Chunks have flipped out of their vanilla ice cream base into a tub of deliciously chocolatey goodness. While our fabulously fudgy brownies have found a new home in our legen-dairy vanilla ice cream.
We’ve gotta say it’s caused quite the stir in the office.

We think they're flippin' fantastic! But fear not, our classic Cookie Dough and Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavours are still available too!
Find out more about the NEW Flipped flavours:
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