Together For Refugees - Home Safe Home

Help Give Refugees The Chance to Rebuild Their Lives in Safety

Imagine closing your front door behind you without knowing if you’ll ever be able to return.

For many, this has become reality. Right now, record numbers of people around the world are being forced to flee their homes due to war and violence.

We teamed up with the International Rescue Committee to call on our fans to support a historic piece of legislation that would resettle refugees safely into Europe. And good news! Thanks to pressure from people like you, the legislation passed the first hurdle.

So, thousands of you added your name to our petition calling on our European leaders to offer refugees a safe place to call home & on 22nd March 2018 we handed it in to them to call on them to act.

Forced Out of Home

For many, home means feeling safe and comfortable. But imagine being uprooted for reasons beyond your control, never knowing if you’ll be able to return. For millions of people across the world, feelings of home have become a distant memory.

People Behind the Numbers

All too often the refugee debate involves mind-boggling numbers and far-off places. What can be forgotten is that behind every number there’s a story — a person with hopes, dreams and aspirations just like our own. Now is the time to remember our humanity and that everyone deserves a place to call home.

Your Voice Matters

It’s time to come together and tell our leaders that we support efforts to resettle those who have been forced to flee their homes.

It’s simple: the more of us who sign the petition (and ask our friends & family to sign it too!) supporting this law, the more pressure we can put on our leaders to provide refugees with a real possibility of living in safety.

So join thousands of others TODAY in creating the pressure needed to make this historic legislation a reality! We’re together for refugees!

Your Chance to Make a Difference

Sometimes the news can feel overwhelming, making it all too easy to turn away. But right now, we’re facing a defining moment.

The historic legislation currently being discussed by the European Union could provide safe and legal routes for vulnerable refugees to reach safety and rebuild their lives.

The legislation, aka the ‘Union Resettlement Framework’, gives our leaders an opportunity to come together and agree on a coordinated, humanitarian response to the refugee crisis. With a focus on resettling those most vulnerable, it will allow us to help more people rebuild their future by welcoming them through a safe and legal route.

But, not all European leaders agree & we need to send a clear message that we want to see more done in Europe to help refugees find a safe place to call home.


  • Ben & Jerry’s has teamed up with the International Rescue Committee to call on our fans to support a historic piece of legislation that would help refugees resettle safely in Europe. The landmark legislation currently being discussed by our representatives in the EU could provide safe and legal routes for refugees to find safety and rebuild their lives, and just ONE email from you could make all the difference!

  • 2017 is a crucial year. A landmark agreement discussed by the EU gives our leaders an opportunity to come together and agree on a coordinated, humanitarian response to the refugee crisis that has been unfolding in Europe since 2015. Many refugees have been uprooted from their homes due to war and violence, and have been forced to put their lives on hold in a country away from home – but the resettlement law can help. The legislation, aka the ‘Union Resettlement Framework’ would provide a framework, and set targets, for European countries to resettle refugees, with a focus on resettling the most vulnerable, and removing the need for dangerous journeys.

  • Although the UK is getting ready to leave the EU, our MEPs still have a huge opportunity to help provide a safe legal home for the most vulnerable refugees. British MEPs are still in their jobs and have influence on the process, including one British MEP, Claude Moraes who chairs the most important committee to pass the progressive piece of legislation! This is our chance to do something good for refugees before we go, and crucially offers the chance to push for real change on an international level, something which will bring momentum in the fight for fairer treatment of those that have had to flee their homes.

  • Resettlement offers refugees the chance to find safety and rebuild their lives. It offers a route to safety for the most vulnerable refugees by identifying them in their first country of refuge and offering them a safe route to permanent protection in Europe. Once refugees arrive, local authorities and local communities are involved in supporting them, whether it’s learning the English language, help to find work, or integrating children into schools.

  • Yes, we believe it can! There are countless examples of when people speaking out in a collective voice has influenced political change and policy. We launched Together For Refugees because we believe there is a huge potential right now for people urge politicians to provide safety for refugees. Our representatives in the EU don’t recieve emails from their constituents very often, and people power and public pressure can make a big difference!

  • While we are focusing on the legal framework to allow refugees to resettle in Europe, there are many grassroots initiatives out there that offer the opportunity get involved at a community level through fundraising, volunteering or even mentoring refugees. Check out this page to see how you can get involved!

  • Although the UK is getting ready to leave the EU, our MEPs still have a huge opportunity to help provide a safe legal home for the most vulnerable refugees. British MEPs are still in their jobs and have influence on the process, including one British MEP, Claude Moraes who chairs the most important committee to pass the progressive piece of legislation!

  • The UK has always had an opt out of EU laws that affect control of our borders, but this does not stop the government from coordinating rules with other EU countries and applying similar laws in UK legislation.