The consensus of the global scientific community couldn’t be more clear: Our world is already seeing the devastating effects of climate change and time is running out to act to avoid even more catastrophic consequences.
Climate Change is About Justice
Whether it’s drought and devastating wildfires or accelerating rates of sea level rise and more powerful hurricanes, the real victims of a warming planet are not just polar bears and ice sheets, but people.
However, the effects of climate change are not felt equally. The cruel irony of the climate crisis is that people in the developing world—those who can least afford to adapt—will pay the steepest price for the 200 years of industrialization and pollution from the developed world. This truly is an issue of climate justice.
But There is Good News
While we know that the time to act is short, the good news is that we know what we need to do and have the technology to do it. With renewable energy sources like wind and solar, advancements in energy efficiency in homes and offices, electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, and regenerative agriculture that can capture greenhouse gas pollution, we have all the tools we need to get to work.
We also have a global movement led by young people who are tired of waiting for the grownups to take action. They have inspired millions of people, on every continent, to demand change.
The IPCC has said that avoiding the worst impacts of climate change and keeping warming below 1.5ºC would “require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.” While this may seem daunting, it’s also an opportunity to create the clean-energy economy of the future.
Specifically, we must:
- Put a price on carbon
- Reduce carbon emissions (which means reducing fossil fuels) by at least 45% by 2030
- Transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050
- Stop using coal entirely
- Leave fossil fuels in the ground
- Divest fully from the fossil fuel industry
- Stop deforestation of old growth tropical forests
- Ensure support for developing countries’ mitigation and adaptation
- Adopt regenerative practices that turn agriculture from a source of greenhouse gas emissions to a carbon sink
What Does it Mean for Ben & Jerry’s?
We understand that the greenhouse gas footprint of producing ice cream is significant. Each pint of ice cream we make produces roughly 3.3 lb. of greenhouse gases. We’ve worked hard over the years to reduce our emissions at all levels of our supply chain, but there is much more work to be done.
Our climate strategy is a long-range effort. In 2018, we had our climate targets approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). SBTi helps companies set targets in line with the latest climate science, so that we as a business community can do our part to keep warming well below 1.5ºC. Our Science Based Targets include:
- 100% renewable energy by 2025
- 40% greenhouse gas intensity reduction by 2025
- 80% greenhouse gas intensity reduction by 2050
To find out how we’re doing, check out our latest Social and Environmental Assessment Report (SEAR).
Take Action
If it’s melted, it’s ruined. It’s true for ice cream, and it’s true for the planet.
It’s going to take more than just the actions of individual companies and people to fight the climate crisis. We need to collectively call on our elected leaders to support a rapid transition to a clean-energy economy. We have all the tools we need—we just need the will to do it.

Our Friends
Avaaz is a global web movement to bring people-powered politics to decision-making everywhere.
The Climate Reality Project is a nonprofit organization focused on climate change education and clean power advocacy. They encourage citizens to get smart, get loud, and get active to affect change.
- is a climate change movement that’s organizing, empowering, and informing citizens in 188 countries to pressure their leaders into addressing climate change and cutting emissions. The name stems from the goal of reducing the atmosphere’s C02 levels from its current 400 parts per million to below 350 ppm.
BICEP is an advocacy coalition of businesses committed to working with policy makers to pass meaningful energy and climate legislation that will enable a rapid transition to a low-carbon, 21st century economy that will create new jobs and stimulate economic growth while stabilizing our planet’s fragile climate.